This past month, you may have been so busy that you’ve hardly had a chance to connect with your sweetie—in bed or otherwise. Now, the pace has finally eased up. You may even have some time off. So take advantage of the time to relax, reconnect, and get playful. Here’s a quote I like, from […]
How Your Halloween Costume Can Give Your Sex Life a Boost
If you’re dressing up for Halloween this year, what are you going as? A pirate, a witch, or a celebrity? A biker chick, a cartoon character, a cowboy? Something funny? sexy? scary? Some costumes we choose just because they’re simple, convenient, or will make our friends laugh. Other choices can be a window into something […]
“A Woman’s Greatest Asset…
is a man’s imagination.” Have you heard that expression? If you grew up a few decades ago, you probably have. Lately, though, we don’t think that way—and our sex lives have lost something as a result. If you think about what’s sexy, it often isn’t nudity. Not that nudity is unsexy; it’s just that little […]