Going back to school can trigger a lot of anxieties in teens and tweens: worries about social dynamics, finding classrooms, and how demanding teachers will be. If your kid is a daughter, she may also be worried about something more intimate: the horrible possibility that she might get her period at school and not know […]
When Your Daughter Develops Early
If I had the chance to live my life over but had to go through junior high again, I’d pass. The stage that’s now called middle school is a brutal one. Puberty plus jockeying for social power equals a hot mess that can be painful for almost everyone. That age can be particularly hard for […]
“My Daughter Can’t Date ’til She’s 40”
Have you ever heard anyone say that? Or maybe said it yourself? When I’ve heard the expression, it’s always been from the father of a young girl. He sometimes adds, “I know how teenage boys are—I used to be one.” It’s a joke, but only sort of. The father’s motivation, of course, is protective. He […]