If you’re feeling awkward about telling your kids about the birds and the bees, or even talking with your partner about sex, let a little humor help you through.
Think about children you’ve known over the years: your own, or a friend’s children, or kids you knew growing up. What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say about sex?
Little kids, especially, can get confused about sex and anatomy in amusing ways (especially if their parents use vague euphemisms). They’re often appalled when they learn the mechanics of sex—and they can’t imagine why anyone would want to do that.
Visualize the expression that accompanied two of my favorite examples:
“Is that the only way you can make a baby?!? I’m never doing that.”
“Since Mrs. Brown has four kids, you mean Mrs. Brown had to have sex four times?!?”
If you’ve heard anything like that, share the story with your partner or a friend. You’ll both laugh…and you’ll be one notch more comfortable talking about sex. Maybe follow up by talking about something that confused you when you were little. (Like, what the heck “a special hug” meant, or whether swallowing watermelon seeds would cause a melon to grow in your belly.)
If you’re also a parent who’s gearing up to tell your young kids the facts of life, take some comfort in knowing that you may end up with the comic relief in the process. 😊